Suche nach Beiträgen von Theresa

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26, Weiblich

Hogwarts [ehem.] Hufflepuff Fertig Halbblut Gut Fan Wortlose Magie Tratschtante Frei

Beiträge: 71

» Briefe für Theresa

von Theresa am 27.10.2019 15:23


Things could be stranger but I don't know how, I'm going through changes now. I've spent a lifetime trying to figure it out, I'm going through changes now. And I've just begun, under a purple sun. There's many reasons we are what we become, I'm going through changes, ripping out pages. I'm going through changes now. Maybe it's too soon, under a purple moon. But I'd ride off with you in a big balloon, I'm going through changes, rattling cages. I'm going through changes now.


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