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Re: Ess- und Wohnraum
von Ray am 18.02.2020 18:00It's a long, lonely road that I've walked on my own. Never thought I'd end up in this place. I went fast, I went slow,?then I gave up all hope. 'Cause I know, either way, it's the same and I'm not tryna find somebody 'cause no one else but you will do. Yeah, the real thing is gold, how I wish I could hold you. I wasted all of these days and nights, trying to chase all these empty highs. But I had to go to my worst so I'd know that I just needed you. As I look out at the morning sun, there's no escape from the things I've done and out of everything I've lost, now I know that I just needed you. And darling, that's the truth.
Re: Ess- und Wohnraum
von Ray am 19.12.2019 11:40It's a long, lonely road that I've walked on my own. Never thought I'd end up in this place. I went fast, I went slow,?then I gave up all hope. 'Cause I know, either way, it's the same and I'm not tryna find somebody 'cause no one else but you will do. Yeah, the real thing is gold, how I wish I could hold you. I wasted all of these days and nights, trying to chase all these empty highs. But I had to go to my worst so I'd know that I just needed you. As I look out at the morning sun, there's no escape from the things I've done and out of everything I've lost, now I know that I just needed you. And darling, that's the truth.
Re: Ess- und Wohnraum
von Ray am 18.12.2019 01:58Ich stieg nicht in sein Lachen mit ein, aber ich starrte ihn auch nicht weiterhin grimmig oder missmutig an. Ich nickte erleichtert als er mir sein Wort gab. Obwohl es ihn in Zukunft sicher auch nicht davon abhalten würde. Es fiel mir schwer ihm dieses Vertrauen zu schenken, aber ich bemühte mich darum. Schließlich zogen wir jetzt am selben Strang.
Ich wollte mich gerade wieder zurücklehnen, als er erneut sprach. Ich sah ihn aufmerksam an und verkniff mir bissige Kommentare weil er das mit Nora sicher aus meinem Kopf gezogen hatte. Es war eine Sache die mich tatsächlich sehr belastete und nach einem kurzen Blick zu Hannah, schüttelte ich den Kopf. "Aber Gens Idee war es sie einfach umzubri-" ich unterbrach mich, weil mir wieder einfiel, dass ja Kinder anwesend waren. "-zu beseitigen." Schloss ich zögernd und wusste nicht ob das wirklich besser war. Ich musste wohl noch einiges lernen, wenn ich bald Vater werden wollte. Und Gens Idee war ja auch nicht ernst gemeint. Das würde hoffentlich auch keiner denken. Ich warf ihr einen kurzen Blick zu.
Bei Robs Vorschlag lehnte ich mich zögernd nach vorn und musterte ihn einen Moment. "Nicht, dass ich mir da um dich groß Sorgen machen würde, aber würdest du es für klug halten Lucy mit reinzuziehen?" Ich warf besagter Person einen kurzen entschuldigenden Blick zu, falls sie sich übergangen fühlen sollte. Aber ich wollte nicht, dass Nora das am Ende noch an ihr oder ihrer Tochter ausließ.
Erneut schüttelte ich den Kopf. "Ich hab doch gerade selbst erst von dem Kind erfahren..." gab ich von mir und unterdrückte einen gereizten Tonfall. Auch wenn seine Absichten wohl gut waren, verschaffte er mir das Gefühl das nicht alleine auf die Reihe zu bekommen. "Und das mit Zaubergamot-Verwaltungsdienst klingt ja echt toll, aber sie hat viele Mittel und Wege und Beziehungen um das Gesetz zu umgehen." Zumindest glaubte ich das, nachdem was ich seit Neuestem von ihr gesehen hatte. Keine Ahnung wie sie mich früher so hatte täuschen können...
It's a long, lonely road that I've walked on my own. Never thought I'd end up in this place. I went fast, I went slow,?then I gave up all hope. 'Cause I know, either way, it's the same and I'm not tryna find somebody 'cause no one else but you will do. Yeah, the real thing is gold, how I wish I could hold you. I wasted all of these days and nights, trying to chase all these empty highs. But I had to go to my worst so I'd know that I just needed you. As I look out at the morning sun, there's no escape from the things I've done and out of everything I've lost, now I know that I just needed you. And darling, that's the truth.
Re: Ess- und Wohnraum
von Ray am 18.12.2019 00:29It's a long, lonely road that I've walked on my own. Never thought I'd end up in this place. I went fast, I went slow,?then I gave up all hope. 'Cause I know, either way, it's the same and I'm not tryna find somebody 'cause no one else but you will do. Yeah, the real thing is gold, how I wish I could hold you. I wasted all of these days and nights, trying to chase all these empty highs. But I had to go to my worst so I'd know that I just needed you. As I look out at the morning sun, there's no escape from the things I've done and out of everything I've lost, now I know that I just needed you. And darling, that's the truth.
Re: Ess- und Wohnraum
von Ray am 17.12.2019 21:13It's a long, lonely road that I've walked on my own. Never thought I'd end up in this place. I went fast, I went slow,?then I gave up all hope. 'Cause I know, either way, it's the same and I'm not tryna find somebody 'cause no one else but you will do. Yeah, the real thing is gold, how I wish I could hold you. I wasted all of these days and nights, trying to chase all these empty highs. But I had to go to my worst so I'd know that I just needed you. As I look out at the morning sun, there's no escape from the things I've done and out of everything I've lost, now I know that I just needed you. And darling, that's the truth.
Re: Ess- und Wohnraum
von Ray am 17.12.2019 12:52It's a long, lonely road that I've walked on my own. Never thought I'd end up in this place. I went fast, I went slow,?then I gave up all hope. 'Cause I know, either way, it's the same and I'm not tryna find somebody 'cause no one else but you will do. Yeah, the real thing is gold, how I wish I could hold you. I wasted all of these days and nights, trying to chase all these empty highs. But I had to go to my worst so I'd know that I just needed you. As I look out at the morning sun, there's no escape from the things I've done and out of everything I've lost, now I know that I just needed you. And darling, that's the truth.
Briefe an R. Fine
von Ray am 16.10.2019 21:18It's a long, lonely road that I've walked on my own. Never thought I'd end up in this place. I went fast, I went slow,?then I gave up all hope. 'Cause I know, either way, it's the same and I'm not tryna find somebody 'cause no one else but you will do. Yeah, the real thing is gold, how I wish I could hold you. I wasted all of these days and nights, trying to chase all these empty highs. But I had to go to my worst so I'd know that I just needed you. As I look out at the morning sun, there's no escape from the things I've done and out of everything I've lost, now I know that I just needed you. And darling, that's the truth.