» Briefe für Adrian

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48, Männlich

Hogwarts [ehem.] Hufflepuff Fertig Halbblut Gut Fan Veelagene Wortlose Magie Tollpatsch Frei

Beiträge: 2

» Briefe für Adrian

von Adrian am 24.05.2020 20:42


I was walking down 57th street towards Park, with the same old song in my same old heart, making plans I'm gonna do when I get older. Passed a gray-haired man and I found his eyes, it's like he knew my thoughts and he read my mind, saying life is gonna find you when it's supposed to. Felt my feet stop short and I turned my head, tried to lean into every word he said. Then he said: when you are younger, you'll wish you're older. You'll wish for time to turn around.


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