Tamis Briefkasten

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23, female

  10 Hauspunkte

Hogwarts [ehem.] Hufflepuff Fertig Halbblut Gut Redakteur Fan Veelagene Inneres Auge Tollpatsch Frei

Posts: 124

Tamis Briefkasten

from Tamara on 02/04/2020 07:53 PM

I am a man of six feet tall, just looking for some answers in a world that answers none of them at all. I'll say hi, but not reply to the letters that you write because I found some peace of mind. Cause I'm only as tall as my heart will let me be. And I'm only as small as the world will make me seem. And when the going gets rough and I feel like I may fall, I'll look on the bright side. I'm roughly six feet tall.

Reply Edited on 04/22/2020 11:51 PM.

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