Linus Postfach

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30, male

Durmstrang Fertig Halbblut Unentschlossen Fan Draufgänger Frei

Posts: 41

Linus Postfach

from Linus on 12/29/2019 02:56 AM

Used to keep it cool, used to be a fool, all about the bounce in my step. Watch it on the news, watcha gonna do? I could hit refresh and forget. Should I keep it light? Stay out of the fight? No one's gonna listen to me. Should I keep it light? Is that right? Way up, way up we go, been up and down that road. Way up, way up, oh no. We gon' burn the whole house down. Watch me stand in the line, you're only serving lies, you've got something to hide. We gon' burn the whole house down.


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